The Geometry of Value Functions

Cam Allen – 15 August 2020 – 4 min read

The Geometry of Value Functions

I recently read a series of excellent papers on the geometry of value functions:

  1. The Value Function Polytope in Reinforcement Learning
  2. A Geometric Perspective on Optimal Representations for Reinforcement Learning
  3. The Value-Improvement Path: Towards Better Representations for Reinforcement Learning

I wrote up these notes as I was going through them, and thought I’d post them in case they might be useful to anyone, including future me.

The Value Function Polytope

The space of policies, \(\Pi\)

The space of value functions

How does this correspond to concepts from RL?

What if we try to visualize learning?

A Geometric Perspective on Optimal Representations for RL

Can we leverage these insights to learn good representations?

An idea for representation learning

Does it work?

The Value Improvement Path

Can we do better? Can we scale up?

What does that look like?

Does it work?